Do you like living with roommates?
Sharespace has been a significant trend in recent years, In Edmonton, Regus is the dominant player offering single offices for rent on a short term basis. More recently, Work Nicer has come to Edmonton offering its spin on the sharespace model, co-locating tenants where business synergies may exist.
Sharespace is going to other industries as well, commercial kitchens , art space, and hair salons have all been affected by the trend. Industries will face pressure to adapt their business models to sharepsace models where applicable, putting pressure on landlords to keep tenants and employers to keep their employees.
In the coming years, it’s likely that both local and national landlords will adapt existing spaces to accommodate office sharepsace users. The model is management intensive, but helps carry the costs of vacancy in office buildings. As more landlords adopt this model on a local model, major sharespace providers will have to adapt their increasingly precarious models or risk going out of business.